onsdag den 7. juli 2010

... Just one smile and you could change all of mine

Watching Jack Johnson perform live at Roskilde Festival 2010 may not actually change the world, but it sure felt like progress. The concert was amazing, the audience was amazing - HE was definitely amazing. And green as a bean, too.

Here's to Nature's health!

torsdag den 1. juli 2010

Changing the world - Day 1

This 'changing the world'-business has really got us excited! We've got tons of ideas on how to make even the slightest difference for planet Earth - in a good way, of course. It might sound naive but we believe it is the right attitude to have: "Of course we can change the world!" Because if we all do our tiny bit it must evolve and actually make the world better. Right?

It is piling up with clichés here, so I'll stop for now. I just hope you got the message :)

Let us change the world!

We pulled a Phineas and Ferb: We decided to do something grand with our Summer holiday! But we are not going to build a submarine - we are going to change the world, and we would really like your help doing so. If you are at all interested please check this out.
Have a great day!